Over Fifty Still Fabulous
Life is a journey and not a destination
Powered by Louise Di Francesco - Women over 50 have it all - experience, sass & energy.
I am not a has-been. I am a will be. Lauren Bacall
Life begins at Fifty!
Or it should…
You have 600 months of experience, you’ve lived on the planet for roughly 2600 weeks, 18,250 days or thereabouts and 438,000 hours…
Yes - you’ve certainly been around long enough to learn the hard lessons of life, to have had your heart broken a few times, to have fallen in and out of love, to have made mistakes, to have seen off your children, have had highs and lows and to have lived a full life.
But we believe the best is yet to come!
Over Fifty Still Fabulous is a community for men and women to engage, collaborate, learn, be inspired, have fun and enjoy.